Camp Hall Waterline
Type of Project:
Scope of Work:
Water Main, Sewer Main Relocation, 8" PVC Sewer Main: Approx 400 LF, 6" PVC Sewer Services: 1 Reconnection, New Sewer Manholes: 2, 12" PVC C900: Approx 16,200 LF, 12" Dip Water Main: Approx 1,400 LF, 16" DIP Water Main: Approx 80 LF, Hydrant Assys: 22, 12" Valves: 34, 6" Valves: 22
Volvo Car Drive
Ridgeville, SC 29472
Santee Cooper
General Contractor:
JWC is working directly for Southard Brothers Construction
Thomas & Hutton, Stantec
Project Overview:
Camp Hall is a next-generation commerce park, developed by Santee Cooper whose mission is to be the leading resource for improving the quality of life for the people of South Carolina. This commerce park has made a commitment to maintain and preserve 28% of the natural environment that exists among the site’s 6,800+ acres. Camp Hall provides global access through the Port of Charleston, I-26 interchange, and soon to be connected with the CSX railroad. With this accessibility it allows businesses such as Volvo Cars, which is a large-scale operation, to small independent firms, to flourish.
The Camp Hall Waterline project is a pivotal development supporting the vision of Camp Hall. JWC was able to install 3.3 miles of waterline along the new road of Redwood Materials Drive that connects Volvo Car Drive to Highway 27. Along the 3.3 miles of waterline installed that includes fire hydrants and water connections for future development. In addition, 400ft of gravity sewer main was relocated. Strategic planning was used focusing on daily production to remain on schedule. Despite challenges from Tropical Storm Debbie this project was completed as scheduled and evaded any delays with the future construction of Redwood Materials Drive.
This project significantly enhances our community’s infrastructure by providing a reliable water supply to both current and future developments. The installation of the waterline is designed to meet the increasing demand for water services in this thriving commerce hub. These connections are vital for accommodating the anticipated growth of Camp Hall, ensuring that new businesses and residential areas can seamlessly integrate into our water system.
Challenges & Details:
- New Redwoods Materials Drive construction
- Roadway construction by others
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